Solvisto Article

Solvisto ranking

PV ranking in the third year of FIT

Number installed, average volume, ranking of three types installed, nationwide survey, the 3 top prefectures are Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Okayama for residential use, and Fukuoka, Hyogo, and Kagoshima for

In August, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry came out with an updated way on how to publish information on approvals for installation. For solar cell power generation systems, the volume and number delivered are tabulated based on a division into 6 categories, these being under 10kW, 10-50kW, 50-500kW, 500kW -1MW, 1MW-2MW, and 2MW or more. Additionally these data are not only categorized according to the 47 prefectures but also according to 1,788 cities, towns, and villages, making for a very precise range of data. Now making full use of this data, Solvisto makes an analysis according to prefecture, assigning points to the actual capacity installed, the average capacity installed, and the installation ratio. With the total value a ranking according to performance is established.

Vol.42 (September 2014)
