Solvist Vol.54 (September 2015)

The potential of drone inspection in PV maintenance
Secure Drone Consortium conducts trials in Fukuoka
A move has appeared for using small, unmanned drones for inspection and...
A panel airborne imagery service using drones by ALSOK, and PV maintenance is well underway
Targeting 50 contracts a year
Sohgo Security Service of the AISOK as corporate brand name for the...
How to view the PV maintenance business which is showing a trend toward expansion
Interview at the Japan Solar Power Maintenance Association
Quite recently the demand for maintenance in the area of solar power...
The level of the growth of weeds when using the weed prevention sheet
The nemesis of the solar industry: keeping the weeds away
To spread the use of renewable energy and to promote technological...
- Notice of discontinuance of publication
- The potential of the inspection business for PV maintenance based on the use of drones
- A panel airborne imagery service using drones in ALSOK and PV maintenance gets fully underway
- How to view the PV maintenance business which is showing a trend toward expansion
- Interview at the Japan Solar Power Maintenance Association
- The nemesis of the solar industry: keeping the weeds away
- The level of the growth of weeds when using the weed prevention sheet
- XSOL, Vice President Shinichi Suzuki, “The road straight to PV utilization remains unchanged. We’re involved with a strong belief in the potential of PV power generation.”
- ReneSolar Japan: Shipments last year more than doubled those of the year before
- The JR Railway Technical Research Institute: Develops a superconductive flywheel electric power storage system
- Trials began in August at a PV power station in Yamanashi Prefecture, a combination with renewable energy in sight
- The Smart Energy Technical Research Center of Toyota Technological Institute holds the 6th Symposium
- Solarig Japan: Its new electric power station development business in the Japanese market up by 10%
- Yingli Green Energy: Danger of removal from the NYSE
- Solar Frontier: Supplied a CIS thin film solar cell module to a 26MW power station
- ET Solar: Expands business in Turkey
- Schneider Electric: announces a Tricon CX compact safety system
- Canadian Solar: constructs 1000MW scale PV power generation station
- First Solar: Constructs 300MW scale electric power station
- Rene Solar: Expands its business in the US
- Solar World: Shipment of modules did well during the first half of 2015
- LDK Solar: Supplied modules to a Thai developer
- Taleson Solar: signs a module supply contract with a French power station
- (1) Hydrogen stations using renewable energy: installation at 5 locations nationwide, using a subsidy from the Ministry of the Environment
- (2) Panasonic Eco Solutions: supplies a state-of-the-art PV module “FIT” to solar car of the Tokai University team
- Fukunaga Architecture Research Institute: Develops a wire type frame
- 4R Energy: Promotes the application of use of 12kWh lithium ion storage battery
- Tabuchi Electric: Through a tie up with a US IT firm, develops software for PCS with PV usage
- Tri Chemical Laboratories: Increase in earnings and profit for thin film type solar cell material during the second quarter, sales up, pulled along by sales to China
- Japan Solar: Anticipates sales of JPY1.5 billion for this term
- Nipron: Monitoring system PV maximizer,sales of about \200 million for 2014, its first year
- Solar Frontier: opens an energy classroom
- Rakuten, Marubeni: a business alliance for retail sales of electric power for those demanding low voltage
- Technology trials for recovering CO2 emitted from coal fired thermal power stations
- Explanation of the Callide Oxyfuel Project
- Revision of FIT
- Japan Solar Energy Society task force holds its 14th seminar: “The Business Risks of the Solar Cell Power Generation Business and the Development of the Business.”
- Trina Solar: begins sales of new, high efficiency small modules for home use
- NTT Smile Energy: attaches an output control function to its PV monitoring system for low voltage power generation stations, “Eco Eye Glass”
- Kaname: Begins sales of a new solar cell as part of the roof
- Hanhwa Q Cells Japan: begins taking orders for its new module “Q.PLUS-G4”
- Okamura Sangyo: the remote controlled power restoration system Hatsuden Shocho went on sale as of January of this year.
- Monthly electric power generation
- Dates for the announcement of financial reports from the latter half of September to October
- Monitoring Overview